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To understand the world we live in, we must understand the symbols that surround us. And to understand those symbols, we must unearth their origin, or better yet the originator. The Black Panther movie took the community by storm last week, and one of the highlights was actress Letitia Wright, who plays T’Challa’s sister. Shuri is a Wakandan princess and tech genius. She is an inventor who created much of the modern technology in her country. As you notice in the movie her first costume, she is wearing an Adinkra symbol on her chest. Which means  “Wawa Aba"

The meaning symbolizes hardiness, toughness, and perseverance.

The seed of the Wawa tree is extremely hard. In Akan culture, it is a symbol of someone who is strong and tough. It inspires the individual to persevere through hardship. The meaning of this symbol resonated with me. Identifying with and using symbols and visual imagery have always been my unique way to communicate with others and convey a message.
Although I never officially released one of my new t-shirt designs, I have been literally wearing my Wawa seed on my arm waiting for the right moment to release this design to the masses. Seeing SHURI wearing that symbol spoke to me on a personal note. It was a message to me to say your time has finally come to share your creative design with the world.

It was also a message I applaud the creators of the movie for visually conveying to audiences.

As previously noted, In Akan culture, it is a symbol of someone who is strong and tough. It inspires the individual to persevere through hardship.

Portraying this image on a character in this specific movie was genius. It sends a message to all of those young black children and us grown folks that we are strong and tough. We have and will continue to persevere through any hardships that may come our way. This is "rooted" in our DNA.

I am pleased and honored to now release my new design titled "Shuri"
Know your history!

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