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Exclusive Online Offer - "Legacy Package"


For a limited time only, JC68 has bundled all three items available for purchase in our online store into an incredible offer called the Commemorative “LEGACY” package. This exclusive ONLINE deal ONLY is available for the incredible low price of $69.99 (excluding shipping and handling costs) which includes:

a)       A signed copy of The John Carlos Story: The Sports Moment That Changed the World

b)      A signed copy of a “Reminisce 1968” digital print

c)       Your size in the John Carlos signature series multi “unity fist” tee


The John Carlos Story: The Sports Moment That Changed the World (Haymarket Books) By John Carlos and Dave Zirin, Foreward by Cornel West

Seen around the world, John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s Black Power salute on the 1968 Olympic podium sparked controversy and career fallout. Yet their show of defiance remains one of the most iconic images of Olympic history and the Black Power movement. Here is the remarkable story of one of the men behind the salute, lifelong activists, John Carlos.

ISBN: 9781608461271

Published: October, 2011

Type: Hardcover

Publisher: Haymarket Books


Price $22.95





John Carlos Signature tee – Multi-color “unit fist” tee (Women and Men sizes)

The official/authentic design for Dr. John Carlos

“There is Man made icons and then there is God made icons…you decide”

– Dr. John Carlos

Paying homage to the silent protest heard around the world, as well as, to one half of the dynamic duo who participated in it, John Carlos’s silhouette can be seen standing within the worldwide iconic gesture. Bearing the Olympic ring colors of blue, yellow, black, green and red, these colors symbolize and translate the idea of universality of the Olympic Movement, the universality/unity of all people. Dr. Carlos’s signature eloquently finishes off this authentic and unique design.

The fist has been traditional used as symbol of resistance and unity throughout the years by various individuals and organization of all races. After the famous 1968 Olympic protest where American runners John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised a clenched fist alongside Australian silver medalist Peter Norman who in support of the Olympic Project for Human Rights movement wore the OPHR badge which was also worn by the two American runners.

Our intention and with the aid of Dr. Carlos, was to create a design that was more distinctly aligned with Dr. Carlos’s ideology and more aligned with the universal notion of strength, and unity. Drawing from the roots of the Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) which was founded by African-American sociologist Harry Edwards our aim is to re-establish this iconic gesture and symbol as a gesture and symbol for “human rights”.

“Five fingers when separated won’t get a lot done, but when you put those fingers together to make a fist, now that’s power and a strength you never had before.”

– JC68

Price: $19.99


“Reminisce 1968” Digital print

Embedded on a canvas comprised of various newspaper articles, Canadian artist Mark Stoddart, has strategically and with a touch of eloquence, created a readable, digital canvas portraying this larger than life image of legendary athlete, John Carlos. What’s extremely fascinating about this individual piece is the fact that the images have been rarely seen by the general public and portrayed in the media. The end result is a magnificent piece combining two art forms of painting and graphic design.


Size: 10” x 20” (entire print size)

Paper: Enhanced Matt Quality Paper

Open Edition


Price: $29.99

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